From the last post, it is evident that there were quite a decent number of people who attended.
Who are they and how do they know each other? And very importantly...why durian party?
Knows everyone through: Church...many years ago
Durian party? Well, I'm from Malaysia, and it's a very popular fruit there. Most of us are from that region, so we all love the fruit. We don't eat it very often because it's not available everywhere, so we come together to enjoy it with other people who love it too.
Knows everyone through: Our old church in Castle Hill, and we are all very good friends.
Durian party? We all love the durian, and this is the second time we have had a durian party. We just get together, catch up with each other, and share our love of durians! It's the best fruit, and we all agree! Some people say that they don't like the smell of it, but I think everyone should try it.
Knows everyone through: Well, we all used to go to the same church, but even though we all go to different churches now, we try to keep in contact and see each other when we can.
Durian party? Yeah, we are all from parts of Asia, mostly in the Singapore/Malaysian area, and the durian is very big over there. I don't really see it much in the stores, so we don't eat it much, so it's good that we have this party because we get to see each other and most importantly, have durian!
Karina was too shy to answer any questions, but we can safely assume that from her absence from the actual 'site' of the durians, and her presence indoors with the other kids...she is not particularly fond of the fruit. This just reinforces the comment made in the last post about most young people avoiding the event, and only the young children being present, because they have no choice. Perhaps the taste of the durian is an acquired one.
So, what can be gathered from the responses is that:
a) everyone that attended the party knew each other quite well
b) they are all from parts of Asia where the fruit is in abundance
c) they have the parties to catch up and share their love for the fruit
d) it is mostly a generational thing, with parents adoring the fruit, and the kids mostly avoiding it